Uluslararası Makaleler

A - Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities)
 1 - Bodur, M.N. and Ergin, M., 1988. Heavy metal associations in recent inshore sediments from the Mersin Bay, Turkey.
                Bollettino di Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata, VI(1): 15-34.
 2 - Ergin, M., Ediger, V., Bodur, M.N. and Okyar, M., 1990. A review of modern sedimentation in the  Golden Horn
                Estuary  (Sea of Marmara), Turkey.
                Bollettino di Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata, VIII(2): 135-151.
 3 - Ergin, M., Bodur, M.N. and Ediger, V., 1991. Distribution of surficial  shelf sediments in the northeastern and
                southwestern parts of the Sea of Marmara: Strait and canyon regimes of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus.
                Marine Geology, 96 (3/4): 313-340.
 4 - Bodur, M.N. and Ergin, M., 1992. Holocene sedimentation patterns and  bedforms in the  wave-current-dominated 
                nearshore waters of eastern Mersin Bay (Eastern  Mediterranean).
                Marine Geology, 108(1): 73-93.
 5 - Ergin, M., Bodur, M.N., Ediger, D., Ediger, V. and Yılmaz, A., 1993. Organic carbon distribution in the surface
                sediments of the Sea of Marmara and its control by the inflows from adjacent water masses.
                Marine Chemistry, 41(4): 311-326.
 6 - Ergin, M., Bodur, M.N., Ediger, V., Yemenicioğlu, S., Okyar, M. and Kubilay, N., 1993. Sources and  dispersal of
                heavy metals in surface sediments along the eastern Aegean shelf.
                Bollettino di Oceanologia Teorica ed Applicata, XI(1): 27-44.
 7 - Ergin, M., Bodur, M.N., Yıldız, M., Ediger, D., Ediger, V.,Yemenicioğlu, S. and Yücesoy, F., 1994. Sedimentation rates
                in the Sea of Marmara: a comparison of results based on organic carbon-primary productivity and 210Pb dating.
                Continental Shelf Research, 14(12): 1371-1387.
 8 - Bodur, M.N., and Ergin, M., 1994. Geochemical characteristics of the recent sediments from the Sea of  Marmara.
                Chemical Geology, 115: 73-101. DOI10.1016/0009-2541(94)90146-5 
 9 - Ergin, M., and Bodur M.N., 1999. Silt/clay fractionation in surficial Marmara sediments: implication for water
                movement and sediment transport paths in a semi-enclosed and two-layered flow system (northeastern
                Mediterranean Sea) Geo-Marine Letters, 18: 225-233. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s003670050072
10 - Binici, H., Aksoğan, O., Bodur, M.N., Akça, E., and Kapur, S. 2007. Thermal isolation and mechanical properties of
                fibre reinforced mud bricks as wall materials. Construction and Building Materials, 21 (2007) 901-906.
11 - Binici, H., Aksoğan, O., Görür, E.B., Kaplan, H., Bodur, M.N., 2008. Performance of ground blast furnace slag and
                ground basaltic pumice concrete against seawater attack.
                Construction and Building Materials, 22 (2008) 1515-1526. 
12 - Binici, H., Aksoğan, O., Görür, E.B., Kaplan, H., Bodur, M.N., 2009. Hydro-abrasive erosion of concrete incorporating
                ground blast-furnace slag and ground basaltic pumice. Construction and Building Materials, 23 (2009) 804-811.
13 - İnan, S., Kop, A., Çetin, H., Kulak, F., Pabuçcu, Z., Seyis, C., Ergintav, S., Tan, O., Saatçılar, R., Bodur, M.N., 2012.
                Seasonal variations in soil radon emanation: Long termcontinuous monitoring in light of seismicity
                Natural Hazards,  (26 January 2012) p. 1-17.
14 - Kop, A.,  Ezer, M., Bodur, M.N., Darbaş,G., İnan, S., Ergintav, S., Seyis, C., Yalçın, C, 2014. Geochemical Monitoring
                 Along the Türkoğlu (Kahramanmaraş)-Gölbaşı (Adıyaman) Segments of the East Anatolian Fault System.
                 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering July 2014, Volume 39, Issue 7, pp. 5521-5536   Date: 20 Dec 2013.
15 - Bodur, M.N., ve Koçak, M., 2021. Characteristics of Antarctic Surface Waters in the South Bay, on Livingston
            Island, South Shetland Islands, Güney Shetland Adalarından, Livingston Adası Güney Körfezindeki
            Antarktik Yüzey Sularının Özellikleri.  
            AKU J. Sci. Eng. 21 (2021) 047103 (978-984),  AKÜ FEMÜBİD 21 (2021) 047103 (978-984)
16 - Jiannan Meng, Timothy Kusky, Walter D. Mooney, Erdin Bozkurt, Mehmet Nuri Bodur, and Lu Wang., 2024. 
           Surface deformations of the 6 February 2024 earthquake seqence, eastern Türkiye.
           SCIENCE, 18 Jan 2024, Vol 383, Issue 6680, pp. 298-305,   https://www.science.org/doi/abs/10.1126/science.adj3770